Fun and trivia

Comparing the Corona outbreak in Scandinavia and South/South-East Asia

I have read the WHO’s sitreps on CoViD-19 daily since the end of January 2020, where I was visiting Viet Nam. I now live in Denmark (a Scandinavian country) where the Corona virus has shut down society and many people have tested positive. When I compare the numbers for Scandinavia (Denmark, Norway, Sweden) with a …

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The purpose of language by Chomsky

In the following Google video, Noam Chomsky raises and answers the interesting question: what amazing insights into language have linguistics revealed, which the public does not know about?. He answers that human natural language was propably developed to support the human thinking process, not to serve as a means of communication. He believes that language …

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Recursive relationship between humans, computers and human societies

This post is influenced by a talk I had with Marcos Vaz Salles and a debate that happened between Foucault and Chomsky in 1970. The relationship between humans and societies is a recursive relationship. Human beings influence societies and societies in turn influence human beings. Next, humans are influencing the societies that they themselves have …

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