Neural networks on GPUs: cost of DIY vs. Amazon

I like to dabble with machine learning and specifically neural networks. However, I don’t like to wait for exorbitant amounts of time. Since my laptop does not have a graphics card that is supported by the neural network frameworks I use, I have to wait for a long time while my models git fitted. This is a problem.

The solution to the problem is to get access to a computer with a supported Nvidia GPU. Two approaches are to either get my own rig or rent one from Amazon. Which is cheaper?

Cost analysis

I will assume that I will train models on my machine (whether local or at Amazon) for two hours every day.

The Amazon p2 range of EC2 machines come with Nvidia K80 cards, which costs about 50.000 DKK. Already this analysis is going to be difficult; I will not buy a computer that costs 50.000 DKK just to train NN models. So, in this analysis I will be comparing apples to oranges, but that is how it is.

Cost of Amazon

The p2.xlarge EC2 instance has a single K80 GPU, which is at least as good as any rig I would consider buying.

The on-demand prie is $0.9/hour; the spot price about five times cheaper. Usage for two hours every day for a whole year costs 4.500 DKK for on-demand and 900 DKK for spot instances. However, the p2 instances is sometimes unavailable in the European spot markets.

Cost of DIY

What is the best GPU to get for a DIY machine learning rig? In 2016, Quora answers suggested that the Nvidia cards Titan X and GTX980TI would be best. Let’s go with that.

This is quite a bit more than 4.500 DKK and that is only for the graphics card. The finished rig would probably cost around 15.000 DKK (Titan) and 10.000 DKK (GTX).

The electricity also has to be factored in, plus that the cards are basically slower than the K80.

Best choice for increased usage

With increased usage the DIY approach will become cheaper than Amazon, albeit still a slower option. With usage of 5 or 7 hours/day the DIY approaches break even after a year.

Further reading

Build a deep learning rig for $800.


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