Installing Postgres+PostGIS has never been easier on Mac. In fact, it is now an app! You download the app-file from, place it in your Applications folder, and you're done. Really.
If you think that was over too fast
If you think that was over too fast, there is one more thing you can do. Add the postgreapp "bin" directory to PATH.
vi ~/.bash_profile # add line: export PATH=$PATH:/Applications/ |
Next time you open terminal you will be able to execute all of the following commands:
clusterdb createdb createlang createuser dropdb droplang dropuser ecpg initdb oid2name pg_archivecleanup pg_basebackup pg_config pg_controldata pg_ctl pg_dump pg_dumpall pg_receivexlog pg_resetxlog pg_restore pg_standby pg_test_fsync pg_test_timing pg_upgrade pgbench postgres postmaster psql reindexdb vacuumdb vacuumlo |
cs2cs geod invgeod invproj nad2bin proj |
gdal_contour gdal_grid gdal_rasterize gdal_translate gdaladdo gdalbuildvrt gdaldem gdalenhance gdalinfo gdallocationinfo gdalmanage gdalserver gdalsrsinfo gdaltindex gdaltransform gdalwarp nearblack ogr2ogr ogrinfo ogrtindex testepsg |
pgsql2shp raster2pgsql shp2pgsql |
That is pretty f'ing awesome!!