Database stuff
First I'll describe the database that backs the service.
PostGIS database backend
Here is how to make a simple table in PostgreSQL, that can store geo-tagged "observations". It uses a hstore type for key-value pairs and a geography point for the GPS dot. It's very versatile, and could store anything from bird observations to endomondo like GPS tracks.
CREATE TABLE observations( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, utc_timestamp TIMESTAMP, geog GEOGRAPHY(Point, 4326), kvp HSTORE ); |
Add spatial index:
CREATE INDEX observations_geog_gix ON observations USING GIST (ST_Buffer(geog, 10)); |
Insert examples
Short run in the park:
INSERT INTO observations (utc_timestamp, geog, kvp) VALUES ( TIMESTAMP '2012-09-11 16:05:06', ST_GeogFromText('POINT(12.6105 55.67032)'), '"type"=>"run","run_id"=>42,"runner_id"=>"skipperkongen"' ),( TIMESTAMP '2012-09-11 16:05:46', ST_GeogFromText('POINT(12.6106 55.67255)'), '"type"=>"run","run_id"=>42,"runner_id"=>"skipperkongen"' ),( TIMESTAMP '2012-09-11 16:06:25', ST_GeogFromText('POINT(12.6146 55.67330)'), '"type"=>"run","run_id"=>42,"runner_id"=>"skipperkongen"' ); |
Bird observation:
INSERT INTO observations (utc_timestamp, geog, kvp) VALUES ( TIMESTAMP '2012-09-04 18:05:06', ST_GeogFromText('POINT(12.6105 55.67032)'), '"type"=>"bird","species"=>"surnia ulula", "gender"=>"unknown","spotted_by"=>"skipperkongen"' ); |
Select examples
Select a particular run:
SELECT utc_timestamp, ST_AsGeoJson(geog) FROM observations WHERE kvp @> '"type"=>"run","run_id"=>42' ORDER BY utc_timestamp; |
Select all bird observations:
SELECT * FROM observations WHERE kvp @> '"type"=>"bird"'; |
Select the concave hull (PostGIS 2.0) for each bird species:
SELECT kvp -> 'species' AS species, ST_Buffer(ST_ConcaveHull(ST_Collect(geog::GEOMETRY), 0.8), 100) AS location FROM observations WHERE kvp @> '"type"=>"bird"' GROUP BY kvp -> 'species'; |
Note: something might be wrong with the coordinates, when selecting like above... investigate.
Building the Rest API in Django
Pingback: rest api for storing point observations | 1manx