Why did I install gfortran? Well, not to write Fortran programs. I tried installing SciPy using pip install scipy, and I got a message that a Fortran compiler was needed.
This is how I installed gfortran on my Mac:
Visit hpc.sourceforge.net, and select a binary distribution for your version of Mac OS X, e.g. gfortran-snwleo-intel-bin.tar.gz for Snow Leopard.
Download the file and open the download directory in Terminal.
To install gfortran do the following:
gunzip gfortran-snwleo-intel-bin.tar.gz tar xvf gfortran-snwleo-intel-bin.tar -C / |
Compile a hello world
Let's do a quick test that gfortran was installed.
gfortran --version |
To try compiling a small testprogram, enter the following into a file called radius.for (btw, the whitespace matters):
program circle real r, area c This program reads a real number r and prints c the area of a circle with radius r. write (*,*) 'Give radius r:' read (*,*) r area = 3.14159*r*r write (*,*) 'Area = ', area stop end |
Compile and run the program:
gfortran -o radius radius.for ./radius |
Enter a number, e.g. 3, to see the area of a circle with this radius.
To uninstall again (warning, I haven't tried it):
tar -tf gfortran-snwleo-intel-bin.tar | sort -r | (cd /; xargs -p -n 1 rm -d) |
or do the following to delete without prompting:
tar -tf gfortran-snwleo-intel-bin.tar | sort -r | (cd /; xargs -t -n 1 rm -d) |