How to create JSON data from a text file on the internet

The following assumes a linux command line to be present (or Mac OS X terminal in my case).

I want to wrangle text from the internet, turn it into JSON data, and ultimately stick it in CouchDB. Here I'm trying to turn a random text file containing prime numbers into structured JSON data that looks like this:

[2, 3, 5, 7,...]

The original file is here: It is fairly structured to begin with, but it's not JSON.

                         The First 1,000 Primes
                          (the 1,000th is 7919)
         For more information on primes see

      2      3      5      7     11     13     17     19     23     29 
     31     37     41     43     47     53     59     61     67     71 
     73     79     83     89     97    101    103    107    109    113 

The following line does turns it into JSON:

curl | \
tail +4 | \
tr -cs "[:digit:]" "," | \
sed -e 's/^,/\[/' -e 's/,$/\]/' \
> primes.json

Let's look at it with cat to make sure:

$ cat primes.json

Explanation of the command

curl is used to download the file and print it on standard output in the terminal. With no arguments it issues a HTTP GET for

tail +4 discards the first four lines.

tr -cs "[:digit:]" "," converts the text into digits followed by commas. The new text has a comma before the first digit, and a comma after the last one. No linebreaks or spaces: ,2,3,5,7...,7919,

sed -e 's/^,/\[/' -e 's/,$/\]/' is perhaps a bit hard to read. It replaces the comma before the first digit with '[', and replaces the comma after the last digit with ']'.

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