General instructions are here:
Note: I’m running Snow Leopard (10.6.6 )
1. Install homebrew
Check that you don’t have it already:
$ which brew
If you don’t have homebrew
install it from here:
E.g. like this:
$ ruby -e "$(curl -fsSLk"
2. Install proj
$ brew install proj $ which proj /usr/local/bin/proj
3. Install geos
$ brew install geos
4. Install osm2pgsql
First add pg_config
to the path, then install osm2pgsql:
$ PATH=$PATH:/Library/PostgreSQL/9.0/bin/ $ brew install osm2pgsql $ which osm2pgsql /usr/local/bin/osm2pgsql
You should now have osm2pgsql installed.
Import OSM data into PostgreSQL
I did the following to import OSM data into PostgreSQL.
# create a user for the osm database
createuser -U postgres osm-user
# create the osm database
createdb -U postgres -E utf8 -O osm-user osm
# download som osm data from, I chose Copenhagen, Denmark.
# unzip it
bzip2 -d copenhagen.osm.bz2
# install the mercator projection 900913 on the database
psql -U postgres -d osm -f 900913.sql
# install PostGIS on database
psql -U postgres -d osm -f /Library/PostgreSQL/9.0/share/postgresql/contrib/postgis.sql
# find the style to use with osm2pgsql
brew list osm2pgsql # list locations installed by homebrew, including location of the default style
# Ready to import! use -s if you chose a large OSM dataset, this keeps RAM usage down.
# Use location of style file found with brew list osm2pgsql
osm2pgsql -d osm -U postgres -S /usr/local/Cellar/osm2pgsql/HEAD/share/osm2pgsql/ copenhagen.osm
You should now have some OSM data in your PostgreSQL database.
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